Sunday, February 10, 2013


That moment when you start reading old emails from lost love interests. That moment when you realise you are taking way too many photos with no people in them. That moment when you are glued to your social medium of preference waiting for any news from anyone you might call a friend. That moment when you are happy to travel 5 hours just to socialise and meet new people. That moment when a phone call from your family can actually make you feel better even though nothing was really wrong. That moment is when you can go to work on your day off with no one really caring that much.

That moment is when you realise you are alone in this world. And that moment sucks.



  1. I cannot tell you how much I know exactly what you are talking about.

    don't let it get to you man

  2. I am happy that you are back into the blogging business.

  3. I won't tell you that I hope you never feel that way again, I would be lying. But I will tell you this, a wise man once told me to embrace the moment until it passes, oh how charming he was too :)


Don't swear, your kids may get the wrong idea...